Drinking in the US vs. Europe

Some might think that the US would have a lower drinking problem then western europe.  Some might think that Europe would have less of a drinking problem then the US.

They’re both wrong.  Alcoholism and alcohol dependency generally affect about 1 out of 20 people.  Sometimes a little higher, sometimes a little lower, but it never varies much from the 1 in 20 ratio.

After thorough research I’ve found that the US & Europe have about the same problem with alcohol.  The difference is the US has draconian laws & nationalized state control of it in most areas of the country.  The other irony is that in some of the strictist states they have a higher ratio of alcoholism and in others that have less strict rules they have a lower ratio of alcoholism.  Then in other states they have the complete opposite ratio!

The logical deduction, is that the US laws and draconian regulations around alcohol amount to nothing more than wasted effort, time, and economic activity.  All those laws & regulations do is steal more money from the hands of the taxpayers – for no more or no less effect than the freedoms that Europeans enjoy every single day in their nations!

…and we call ourselves free.  Americans, at least those that support the liqueur laws as they exist, should be ashamed and embarrassed of the stupidity that they perpetuate.  I suppose the world is still flat to some people too.

Just in case your too lazy to Google for the information yourself, click here.  Cheers!  …oh, and bottoms up!


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