Archive for March, 2013

Coffee Shop WTF Sitrep

Sitting at a coffee shop on Sunday is always sketchy. Sometimes its full of enriched minds and thoughtful souls enjoying life. Today the constituency is however not of this alignment. The suburbs come into town and invade the urban landscape with superficiality, sameness and ideals of ticky tacky pasted homes. They come into town and then bitch about how urban and how things aren’t like where they live out in the suburbs.

One corner is some poseur “transients”. They have a dog, that lives in the backyard of their suburban parents house. Their money, which they’re not spending at the establishment, is from their parents. They’re bitching about how they don’t have enough money, as they check their bank accounts with their iPhones and androids and continue to bitch how they can’t afford anything and it sucks that they can only loiter in the business. WTF?

Standard for the pacific northwest, the business owners are passive aggressive and say nothing. They only stare at them wishing they’d leave. Building up frustration that they’ll then bitch about when the “poseur transients” leave.

Meanwhile to the other side two couples sit and have a conversation about how it takes so much effort to get into a business to get brunch or coffee on Sunday. They complain about the dirty transients (that happen to be from the same area of the suburbs that they’re from – the irony). Then they bitch about the homeless (that are escaping the unforgiving, hypocritical and punishing work environments of rural and suburban landscapes were work isn’t readily available).

Alas, thanks for coming into town and at least spending money in real local businesses instead of the chains gang shops where you guys live. But seriously, STFU about how hard the urban landscape is for you. Stop yammering about the poseur transients, they mooching but it’s more your lifestyle fault than anything to do with the urban landscape. We that live here are not going to build you more parking lots, help you drive your cars or hand hold you through the complexities and wondrous creativity and art that is available in the city. Slow down, think about what you’re doing, don’t get stuck in auto-dependency and you may start to realize how valuable, enriching, and wealthy (not just in the monetary sense) the rewards are from enjoying the city.

So seriously my fellow American Citizens that have no clue about this mysterious urban landscape, I’m glad you’ve come into the city to expand your minds. But try to learn a little and be a little more original before you come invading the city and bitching about everything here.

In the end. Enjoy. I’m off to ride my bike and live the artsy enriching urban life. Cheers.

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