Archive for August, 2012

Life Has Improved…

Buying power is decreasing these days, but for people who really pushed away from the typical average American way of life, things are good. Buying ability continues to drop, slowly but steadily. Many of told many others that this would happen. They’ve often been laughed, scoffed and shunned by the majority.

I’m sitting here though, not living like an average American in many ways, unless you consider the average American of about 1790 or 1820. An American who was involved, building a town or city, building a new country and a new world for themselves. Some of us are striving to do this, in spite of the shrinking majority that wants to maintain the average American way of life, that has only really existed since about 1955.

There are millions of us for every few million that are against us, for now. We’re the millions that are seeking out organic food and healthier alternatives to the chemically laced science experiments of the last several decades. We’re looking for a return of the good ideas and obliteration of the bad ideas. We’re looking for greater community and less dependence on other countries, outside hand outs, and a greater inward looking solution to our problems. Because really, those outside hands and those others that are supposed to help, they just fuck up all the time. Over and over they want to push their agenda and we want to be rid of their planned cookie cutter lifestyles.

We’re the generation guard at this point. The next generation will be even more demanding of the removal of this faux science of chemicals and petrol powered community destroyers. We want to know each other again and not to push apart, to separate, to hide like cowards in cul-de-sacs.

We want to build our cities, our world, and our lives up again. In the here and now, that’s really our only option since our immediate “greatest generation” has screwed up our entire economic system, broken our justice system, and laid in a path of conservative destruction of close minded bullshit built on a false history and false pretenses.

It’s a simple request, we’re here now. We will hopefully win. The alternative is a step back to a much darker part of history and a hopeless future.

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Groovy, Shred It

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